We’ll Be Closed on Independence Day
But that doesn’t mean you can’t pray for an end to abortion. In fact, there’s really no better day for it.
Our country was founded to promise refuge for all freedom-loving peoples—where everyone would enjoy the blessings of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. At times, we have fallen short on defending that promise, but we always found the courage to take a stand for the oppressed again and recommit to justice for all.
Our task before us is not small. But neither were the tasks of George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Dorothy Day, or Martin Luther King Jr. All of them were willing to face ridicule, imprisonment, and even death to further the American promise of freedom and justice. We have a great legacy to live up to and inspire us in our current battle.
So on this Independence Day, let us remember the heroes that have come before us and pray that we too will have the strength to stand for the rights of everyone, especially the most vulnerable.
Have a happy Independence Day, and may God bless America!