Prayer Event This Saturday
Springfield Right to Life
Press Release
Event: SRTL Civic Committee is hosting the National Day of Remembrance for Aborted Children
Date: Saturday, September 12
Time: 11 am to 12p
Location: Next door to SRTL
Springfield Right to Life Civic Committee is hosting the National Day of Remembrance for Aborted Children this Saturday, September 12, with a Solemn prayer vigil to be conducted next door to SRTL.
The primary purpose of the National Day of Remembrance for Aborted Children is to call for all Americans to honor the grave sites of our aborted brothers and sisters. Springfield does not have a marked grave site for the unborn so we pray next to the offices of SRTL.
“Why gather to pray or visit the grave sites of the aborted unborn?
When people become truly aware of the reality of abortion, they can more easily cut through the lies by which some try to justify it, and the natural apathy to which human nature is inclined. Even pro-life people are thrust into a higher level of commitment and activism.
Touching this reality happens in various ways: hearing a vivid description of the procedure, seeing diagrams of it or images of aborted children, and hearing a woman’s personal testimony of regret over her abortion.
This impact, whereby abortion no longer remains an abstraction, can be brought to an even more profound level when experienced during an event, such as the funeral for an aborted baby.
Tens of thousands of these children have been retrieved and buried at gravesites across our country. The stories of how they were killed, how they were found, and how they were buried, along with the pictures and videos that document those events, are powerful tools to awaken the consciences of our fellow citizens.
But while a funeral and burial for an aborted baby may be a relatively rare event, the opportunity to visit the burial place and recall how those children got there does not have to be rare—in fact, it shouldn’t be.
In Illinois, we will find 3 burial places for the aborted. Evergreen Park, Hillside, and Romeoville.”
– The National Day of Remembrance.
Springfield Right to Life is a charitable organization founded in 1971. This group of concerned Springfield citizens organized in opposition to the threat upon the lives of the unborn and the harm inherent to their mothers as a result of abortion. Because human life begins at conception and ends at natural death, life has inherent dignity and worth. Human beings are, therefore, entitled to protection, no matter their stage of life. Finally, as a politically non-partisan charitable organization, we are wholly financed through individual contributions. Contributions to Springfield’s Right to Life are tax deductible and appreciated!
The PRIMARY PURPOSE of Springfield’s Right to Life is to present detailed, factual information on such topics as the development of the baby, the effects of abortion, post-abortive recovery, and euthanasia. We provide information to the general public and concerned groups as a means to make informed decisions concerning these vital areas of human life.
The Springfield Right to Life Civic Committee is a civic organization.
Tim Moore President
Springfield Right to Life
519 North Bruns Lane
Springfield, Illinois 62703