Office Location and Hours:
Volunteers staff our office at 519 N. Bruns Lane.
Monday and Tuesday: 8:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.
Closed Wednesday, Thursday & Friday
Call us at 217.523.2700 as office hours may change based on summer interns, etc.
Who Are We?
Springfield Right to Life is a charitable organization founded in 1971. This group of concerned Springfield citizens organized in opposition to the threat upon the lives of the unborn and the harm inherent to their mothers due to abortion. Because human life begins at conception and ends at natural death, life has inherent dignity and worth. Human beings are, therefore entitled to protection, no matter their stage of life. Finally, as a politically non-partisan charitable organization, we are wholly financed through individual contributions. Your contributions to Springfield’s Right to Life are tax-deductible and appreciated!
Our PRIMARY PURPOSE is to present detailed, factual information on such topics as the development of the baby, the effects of abortion, post-abortive recovery, and euthanasia. We provide information to the general public and concerned groups as a means to make informed decisions concerning these vital areas.
Some History:
In June of 1986, the Life Center was opened at 316 E. Monroe Street. The office moved to 323 E. Monroe Street to be close to the Illinois State Capitol building in Springfield. With the announcement of a surgical abortion center in May of 2016, The Life Center moved to 519 N. Bruns Ln. to further our educational and charitable efforts.
Charitable Activities:
Springfield Right to Life serves as a charitable organization. First, we provide general information and support for persons who are faced with untimely pregnancies. Second, we help refer clients to resources and services available. Third, we accomplish this through sidewalk advocacy and pointing interested parties to appropriate supporting organizations.
The Civic Committee:
Springfield Right to Life has a sister organization called the Springfield Right to Life Civic Committee. First, The Civic Committee defends the Right to Life by advising citizens about Federal and State legislation. The committee’s areas of interest are founded upon exposing laws that threaten the unborn, harm the infirm, or exploit the aged. Secondly, we hold rallies and talk to lawmakers about our concerns. Contributions to the Civic Committee are not tax-deductible.
What is the Pro-Life Movement?
The pro-life movement is a social and political movement that advocates for the protection and preservation of human life, particularly focusing on the belief that human life begins at conception and should be protected from that point onward. The term “pro-life” is often associated with opposition to abortion, but it can extend to other issues such as euthanasia, assisted suicide, and capital punishment.
Key elements of the pro-life movement include:
Anti-Abortion Advocacy: The central focus of the pro-life movement is typically opposition to abortion. Pro-life activists argue that unborn fetuses have a right to life and that abortion is morally and ethically wrong.
Legislative Initiatives: Pro-life advocates often work towards the enactment of laws and policies that restrict or prohibit abortion. This includes supporting legal measures that recognize and protect the rights of the unborn.
Educational Outreach: Pro-life organizations engage in educational activities to raise awareness about the sanctity of human life. This may involve providing information about fetal development, ethical considerations, and alternatives to abortion.
Crisis Pregnancy Support: Some pro-life groups focus on providing support and resources for individuals facing unplanned pregnancies. They aim to offer alternatives to abortion and assist women in making informed choices.
Religious and Moral Values: Many individuals within the pro-life movement are motivated by religious or moral beliefs that emphasize the intrinsic value of human life.
Advocacy for Alternatives: Beyond opposing abortion, the pro-life movement often advocates for alternatives such as adoption and emphasizes the importance of providing comprehensive healthcare, financial support, and social services for women and families.
It’s important to note that the pro-life movement is diverse, with various groups and individuals holding different perspectives and strategies within the broader goal of protecting human life.